Crane for Mechanical Air Handler Equipment Replacement at Frank Fasi Municipal Building

Before and After Lighting Retrofit at Ala Wai Golf Course

Solar PV Installation at Various Facilities

Neal Blaisdell Center RGB Lighting Retrofit

Fasi Municipal Building received a score of 97 on the Energy Star scale, where 75 is the minimum to receive certification. Due to Energy Conservation Measures installed through Energy Services Performance Contracting, The Fasi Building operates more efficiently than over 90% of similar existing commercial buildings nationwide.

Energy Star Score Calculation

Walter Murray Gibson Building Transformer Replacement by Crane

Honolulu Police Department Headquarters Chiller Plant Start-Up/ Facility Training

Kapolei Police Station Chiller Replacement

Lighting Retrofit at Honolulu Hale

Lighting Retrofit at Honolulu Fire Department Headquarters

Honolulu Fire Department Headquarters lighting retrofit LED sustainable

Before and After Lighting Retrofit at Walter Murray Gibson Building

walter murray gibson building construction

Before and After Lighting Retrofit at Honolulu Police Department Training Academy

Before and After Lighting Retrofit at Honolulu Police Department Headquarters

Before and After Lighting Retrofit at Kapolei Police Station

Lighting Retrofit at Frank F. Fasi Municipal Building

Earth Day 2021